The Stretch (About R.W.G.)

We’re Rachel Griffin and Shatiana Walton Co-Owners of Run With GOD Athletics. It wasn’t until the recent transition of our Mothers, 5 months apart, that reconnected us back together as friends. Our battle with weight loss has been going for over half of our adult lives. Our struggle isn’t losing the weight, it’s maintaining the weight loss. Once we had children the battle got even worse; we were now over 300 lbs. We knew that we had to do something; not only for ourselves, but for our boys who were just 3 years, 1 year and 4 months old. We both had a passion to one day create our own clothing line. We knew we wanted to be different from the world’s way of doing things and that we wanted to give GOD all the Glory and Honor. So, we prayed, asked GOD for permission to work together and the rest is history. Run With GOD Athletics (R.W.G.A.) is an uplifting and encouraging community geared towards refocusing individuals back to GOD in everything that we do! Our weight loss journey is a personal one that we are asking HOLY SPIRIT to lead and guide us through. Join us as we continue this route on a more healthier and spiritual lifestyle.

Matthew 6:33 says, “But, seek ye first the Kingdom of GOD and HIS righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you.” 


                              Rachel & Shatiana